Banish from Edoras 【ENG】 [LTR-White-C] [578023]
Dunedain Blade 【ENG】 [LTR-White-C] [578024]
Eagles of the North 【ENG】 [LTR-White-C] [578025]
Eastfarthing Farmer 【ENG】 [LTR-White-C] [578026]
East-Mark Cavalier 【ENG】 [LTR-White-C] [578027]
Errand-Rider of Gondor 【ENG】 [LTR-White-C] [578028]
Escape from Orthanc 【ENG】 [LTR-White-C] [578029]
Esquire of the King 【ENG】 [LTR-White-C] [578030]
Fog on the Barrow-Downs 【ENG】 [LTR-White-C] [578031]
Hobbit's Sting 【ENG】 [LTR-White-C] [578032]
Nimble Hobbit 【ENG】 [LTR-White-C] [578033]
Now for Wrath, Now for Ruin! 【ENG】 [LTR-White-C] [578034]
Protector of Gondor 【ENG】 [LTR-White-C] [578035]
Second Breakfast 【ENG】 [LTR-White-C] [578036]
Slip On the Ring 【ENG】 [LTR-White-C] [578037]
Soldier of the Grey Host 【ENG】 [LTR-White-C] [578038]
Stalwarts of Osgiliath 【ENG】 [LTR-White-C] [578039]
Took Reaper 【ENG】 [LTR-White-C] [578040]
Westfold Rider 【ENG】 [LTR-White-C] [578041]
Arwen's Gift 【ENG】 [LTR-Blue-C] [578064]
Bewitching Leechcraft 【ENG】 [LTR-Blue-C] [578065]
Birthday Escape 【ENG】 [LTR-Blue-C] [578066]
Captain of Umbar 【ENG】 [LTR-Blue-C] [578067]
Deceive the Messenger 【ENG】 [LTR-Blue-C] [578068]
Dreadful as the Storm 【ENG】 [LTR-Blue-C] [578069]
Glorious Gale 【ENG】 [LTR-Blue-C] [578070]
Grey Havens Navigator 【ENG】 [LTR-Blue-C] [578071]
Hithlain Knots 【ENG】 [LTR-Blue-C] [578072]
Isolation at Orthanc 【ENG】 [LTR-Blue-C] [578073]
Ithilien Kingfisher 【ENG】 [LTR-Blue-C] [578074]
Knights of Dol Amroth 【ENG】 [LTR-Blue-C] [578075]
Nimrodel Watcher 【ENG】 [LTR-Blue-C] [578077]
Pelargir Survivor 【ENG】 [LTR-Blue-C] [578078]
Soothing of Smeagol 【ENG】 [LTR-Blue-C] [578079]
Surrounded by Orcs 【ENG】 [LTR-Blue-C] [578080]
Treason of Isengard 【ENG】 [LTR-Blue-C] [578081]
Willow-Wind 【ENG】 [LTR-Blue-C] [578082]
The Black Breath 【ENG】 [LTR-Black-C] [578114]
Cirith Ungol Patrol 【ENG】 [LTR-Black-C] [578115]
Claim the Precious 【ENG】 [LTR-Black-C] [578116]
Dunland Crebain 【ENG】 [LTR-Black-C] [578117]
Easterling Vanguard 【ENG】 [LTR-Black-C] [578118]
Haunt of the Dead Marshes 【ENG】 [LTR-Black-C] [578119]
Lash of the Balrog 【ENG】 [LTR-Black-C] [578120]
Mirkwood Bats 【ENG】 [LTR-Black-C] [578121]
Mordor Muster 【ENG】 [LTR-Black-C] [578122]
Mordor Trebuchet 【ENG】 [LTR-Black-C] [578123]
Morgul-Knife Wound 【ENG】 [LTR-Black-C] [578124]
Nasty End 【ENG】 [LTR-Black-C] [578125]
Orcish Medicine 【ENG】 [LTR-Black-C] [578126]
Sam's Desperate Rescue 【ENG】 [LTR-Black-C] [578127]
Shelob's Ambush 【ENG】 [LTR-Black-C] [578128]
Snarling Warg 【ENG】 [LTR-Black-C] [578129]
The Torment of Gollum 【ENG】 [LTR-Black-C] [578130]
Uruk-hai Berserker 【ENG】 [LTR-Black-C] [578132]
Battle-Scarred Goblin 【ENG】 [LTR-Red-C] [578155]
Breaking of the Fellowship 【ENG】 [LTR-Red-C] [578156]
Erebor Flamesmith 【ENG】 [LTR-Red-C] [578158]
Fire of Orthanc 【ENG】 [LTR-Red-C] [578159]
Gimli's Axe 【ENG】 [LTR-Red-C] [578160]