[FOIL] Frodo Baggins 【ENG】 [LTR-Multi-U] [176232]
[FOIL] Frodo Baggins No.320 (Showcase) 【ENG】 [LTR-Multi-U] [176316]
[FOIL] Gandalf's Sanction 【ENG】 [LTR-Multi-U] [176233]
[FOIL] Gwaihir the Windlord 【ENG】 [LTR-Multi-U] [176234]
[FOIL] Legolas, Counter of Kills 【ENG】 [LTR-Multi-U] [176235]
[FOIL] Legolas, Counter of Kills No.324 (Showcase) 【ENG】 [LTR-Multi-U] [176317]
[FOIL] Mauhur, Uruk-hai Captain 【ENG】 [LTR-Multi-U] [176236]
[FOIL] The Mouth of Sauron 【ENG】 [LTR-Multi-U] [176237]
[FOIL] Old Man Willow 【ENG】 [LTR-Multi-U] [176238]
[FOIL] Prince Imrahil the Fair 【ENG】 [LTR-Multi-U] [176239]
[FOIL] Ringsight 【ENG】 [LTR-Multi-U] [176240]
[FOIL] Rise of the Witch-King 【ENG】 [LTR-Multi-U] [176241]
[FOIL] Shadow Summoning 【ENG】 [LTR-Multi-U] [176242]
[FOIL] Shadowfax, Lord of Horses 【ENG】 [LTR-Multi-U] [176243]
[FOIL] Strider, Ranger of the North 【ENG】 [LTR-Multi-U] [176244]
[FOIL] Theoden, King of Rohan 【ENG】 [LTR-Multi-U] [176245]
[FOIL] Ugluk of the White Hand 【ENG】 [LTR-Multi-U] [176246]
[FOIL] Barrow-Blade 【ENG】 [LTR-Artifact-U] [176252]
[FOIL] Ent-Draught Basin 【ENG】 [LTR-Artifact-U] [176253]
[FOIL] Mirror of Galadriel 【ENG】 [LTR-Artifact-U] [176254]
[FOIL] The Grey Havens 【ENG】 [LTR-Land-U] [176265]
[FOIL] Banish from Edoras 【ENG】 [LTR-White-C] [176041]
[FOIL] Dunedain Blade 【ENG】 [LTR-White-C] [176042]
[FOIL] Eastfarthing Farmer 【ENG】 [LTR-White-C] [176044]
[FOIL] East-Mark Cavalier 【ENG】 [LTR-White-C] [176045]
[FOIL] Errand-Rider of Gondor 【ENG】 [LTR-White-C] [176046]
[FOIL] Escape from Orthanc 【ENG】 [LTR-White-C] [176047]
[FOIL] Esquire of the King 【ENG】 [LTR-White-C] [176048]
[FOIL] Fog on the Barrow-Downs 【ENG】 [LTR-White-C] [176049]
[FOIL] Hobbit's Sting 【ENG】 [LTR-White-C] [176050]
[FOIL] Nimble Hobbit 【ENG】 [LTR-White-C] [176051]
[FOIL] Now for Wrath, Now for Ruin! 【ENG】 [LTR-White-C] [176052]
[FOIL] Protector of Gondor 【ENG】 [LTR-White-C] [176053]
[FOIL] Second Breakfast 【ENG】 [LTR-White-C] [176054]
[FOIL] Slip On the Ring 【ENG】 [LTR-White-C] [176055]
[FOIL] Soldier of the Grey Host 【ENG】 [LTR-White-C] [176056]
[FOIL] Stalwarts of Osgiliath 【ENG】 [LTR-White-C] [176057]
[FOIL] Took Reaper 【ENG】 [LTR-White-C] [176058]
[FOIL] Westfold Rider 【ENG】 [LTR-White-C] [176059]
[FOIL] Arwen's Gift 【ENG】 [LTR-Blue-C] [176078]
[FOIL] Bewitching Leechcraft 【ENG】 [LTR-Blue-C] [176079]
[FOIL] Captain of Umbar 【ENG】 [LTR-Blue-C] [176081]
[FOIL] Deceive the Messenger 【ENG】 [LTR-Blue-C] [176082]
[FOIL] Dreadful as the Storm 【ENG】 [LTR-Blue-C] [176083]
[FOIL] Glorious Gale 【ENG】 [LTR-Blue-C] [176084]
[FOIL] Grey Havens Navigator 【ENG】 [LTR-Blue-C] [176085]
[FOIL] Hithlain Knots 【ENG】 [LTR-Blue-C] [176086]
[FOIL] Isolation at Orthanc 【ENG】 [LTR-Blue-C] [176087]
[FOIL] Ithilien Kingfisher 【ENG】 [LTR-Blue-C] [176088]
[FOIL] Knights of Dol Amroth 【ENG】 [LTR-Blue-C] [176089]
[FOIL] Nimrodel Watcher 【ENG】 [LTR-Blue-C] [176091]
[FOIL] Pelargir Survivor 【ENG】 [LTR-Blue-C] [176092]
[FOIL] Soothing of Smeagol 【ENG】 [LTR-Blue-C] [176093]
[FOIL] Surrounded by Orcs 【ENG】 [LTR-Blue-C] [176094]
[FOIL] Treason of Isengard 【ENG】 [LTR-Blue-C] [176095]
[FOIL] Willow-Wind 【ENG】 [LTR-Blue-C] [176096]
[FOIL] The Black Breath 【ENG】 [LTR-Black-C] [176114]
[FOIL] Cirith Ungol Patrol 【ENG】 [LTR-Black-C] [176115]
[FOIL] Claim the Precious 【ENG】 [LTR-Black-C] [176116]
[FOIL] Dunland Crebain 【ENG】 [LTR-Black-C] [176117]