Bill the Pony 【ENG】 [LTR-White-U] [578012]
Eowyn, Lady of Rohan 【ENG】 [LTR-White-U] [578013]
Faramir, Field Commander 【ENG】 [LTR-White-U] [578014]
Landroval, Horizon Witness 【ENG】 [LTR-White-U] [578015]
Lost to Legend 【ENG】 [LTR-White-U] [578016]
Rosie Cotton of South Lane 【ENG】 [LTR-White-U] [578018]
Samwise the Stouthearted 【ENG】 [LTR-White-U] [578019]
Shire Shirriff 【ENG】 [LTR-White-U] [578020]
Tale of Tinuviel 【ENG】 [LTR-White-U] [578021]
You Cannot Pass! 【ENG】 [LTR-White-U] [578022]
The Bath Song 【ENG】 [LTR-Blue-U] [578053]
Bill Ferny, Bree Swindler 【ENG】 [LTR-Blue-U] [578054]
Council's Deliberation 【ENG】 [LTR-Blue-U] [578055]
Elrond, Lord of Rivendell 【ENG】 [LTR-Blue-U] [578056]
Gandalf, Friend of the Shire 【ENG】 [LTR-Blue-U] [578057]
Horses of the Bruinen 【ENG】 [LTR-Blue-U] [578058]
Ioreth of the Healing House 【ENG】 [LTR-Blue-U] [578059]
Meneldor, Swift Savior 【ENG】 [LTR-Blue-U] [578060]
Saruman the White 【ENG】 [LTR-Blue-U] [578061]
Saruman's Trickery 【ENG】 [LTR-Blue-U] [578062]
Bitter Downfall 【ENG】 [LTR-Black-U] [578095]
Gollum, Patient Plotter 【ENG】 [LTR-Black-U] [578096]
Gollum's Bite 【ENG】 [LTR-Black-U] [578097]
Gorbag of Minas Morgul 【ENG】 [LTR-Black-U] [578098]
Gothmog, Morgul Lieutenant 【ENG】 [LTR-Black-U] [578099]
Grima Wormtongue 【ENG】 [LTR-Black-U] [578100]
Grond, the Gatebreaker 【ENG】 [LTR-Black-U] [578101]
March from the Black Gate 【ENG】 [LTR-Black-U] [578102]
Oath of the Grey Host 【ENG】 [LTR-Black-U] [578104]
Voracious Fell Beast 【ENG】 [LTR-Black-U] [578105]
Book of Mazarbul 【ENG】 [LTR-Red-U] [578144]
Eomer of the Riddermark 【ENG】 [LTR-Red-U] [578145]
Erkenbrand, Lord of Westfold 【ENG】 [LTR-Red-U] [578146]
Fear, Fire, Foes! 【ENG】 [LTR-Red-U] [578147]
Fiery Inscription 【ENG】 [LTR-Red-U] [578148]
Foray of Orcs 【ENG】 [LTR-Red-U] [578149]
Gimli, Counter of Kills 【ENG】 [LTR-Red-U] [578150]
Goblin Fireleaper 【ENG】 [LTR-Red-U] [578151]
Grishnakh, Brash Instigator 【ENG】 [LTR-Red-U] [578152]
Ranger's Firebrand 【ENG】 [LTR-Red-U] [578153]
Rising of the Day 【ENG】 [LTR-Red-U] [578154]
Celeborn the Wise 【ENG】 [LTR-Green-U] [578186]
Dunedain Rangers 【ENG】 [LTR-Green-U] [578187]
Gift of Strands 【ENG】 [LTR-Green-U] [578189]
Glorfindel, Dauntless Rescuer 【ENG】 [LTR-Green-U] [578190]
Long List of the Ents 【ENG】 [LTR-Green-U] [578191]
Meriadoc Brandybuck 【ENG】 [LTR-Green-U] [578192]
Peregrin Took 【ENG】 [LTR-Green-U] [578193]
Quickbeam, Upstart Ent 【ENG】 [LTR-Green-U] [578194]
Shortcut to Mushrooms 【ENG】 [LTR-Green-U] [578195]
Stew the Coneys 【ENG】 [LTR-Green-U] [578196]
Arwen Undomiel 【ENG】 [LTR-Multi-U] [578243]
Bilbo, Retired Burglar 【ENG】 [LTR-Multi-U] [578244]
Butterbur, Bree Innkeeper 【ENG】 [LTR-Multi-U] [578245]
Denethor, Ruling Steward 【ENG】 [LTR-Multi-U] [578246]
Friendly Rivalry 【ENG】 [LTR-Multi-U] [578247]
Frodo Baggins 【ENG】 [LTR-Multi-U] [578248]
Gandalf's Sanction 【ENG】 [LTR-Multi-U] [578249]
Gwaihir the Windlord 【ENG】 [LTR-Multi-U] [578250]
Legolas, Counter of Kills 【ENG】 [LTR-Multi-U] [578251]